Patrick Byrne of Overstock: This election was rigged — deeply

Patrick Byrne of Overstock: This election was rigged — deeply. Via Joanne Nova.

Someone smart and credentialed who knows what he is talking about, finally. If you’re interested in the US election rigging, this is a must listen. Seemingly more credible and detailed than Sidney Powell.

He explains that only five strategic cities were targeted. Four of them heavily black and one heavily Hispanic, so they could cry racist if anyone objected. He explains how drop-and-roll works. Also:

We have clear evidence that they are targeting certain congressmen. I believe they are going to find two Republicans. I think it’s going to turn out that one of these Republicans at a State level may have got “election insurance”. The promise they would keep being elected. The sum involved to purchase Dominion machines was $100 million.

Every state that uses Dominion — we should investigate who signed the order to bring it in. No one who did due diligence would.

Call your state legislature — send them this video –Anyone who signs these “Cert” forms should go to jail. They have personal legal liability. …

In the Drop and roll technique, they shut the voting down, calculate what they need, then drop a batch in to “Catch up”. After that they roll out for example, 53 batches in a row and each batch measures exactly 51.2% for Biden and 48.8% for Trump and they roll that difference forward. All this will be released tomorrow.

The five cities where the deep cheating went on: Atlanta, Philadelphia, Milwaukee, Detroit, and Maracopa County, Arizona. They hide behind black regions so then they will call you a racist if you question it.

Past election fraud? I don’t want to get ahead of the data, but it may have happened in 2012. It (fraud) was supposed to happen in 2016 for Hillary but it was shut down. I know exactly who shut it down. It’s one of the reasons why Hillary didn’t feel the need to campaign too much.

hat-tip Scott of the Pacific