Mental Freedom: The COVID vaccine damaged our body’s ability to produce cells responsible for decision-making

Mental Freedom: The COVID vaccine damaged our body’s ability to produce cells responsible for decision-making. By The Full Measure.

Dr. Michael Nehls is a molecular geneticist and former CEO of a biotech company. His new book, “The Indoctrinated Brain,” offers a novel explanation for why he says some people seemed to blindly do as they were told during the COVID pandemic — even when the advice was questionable or bad.

Nehls argues that the COVID vaccine damaged our body’s ability to produce cells responsible for decision-making.

Nehls: Conscious thinking requires these cells to be produced, and if they’re not produced, conscious thinking is not possible, and then we are just sheep following the herd.

Nehls says both COVID and the vaccine cause measurable brain changes that can affect people’s ability to think clearly and critically. And he argues that’s by design.



Nehls says research shows that COVID and the vaccine target the hippocampus, a complex brain structure that plays a major role in learning and memory. Every night when you sleep it makes new brain cells — a “mental immune system” of sorts — protecting your ability to remember and think clearly. But COVID and the vaccine, Nehls says, disrupt that process.

He says there are a number of factors that can trigger that same brain disruption, and are the reason we’re seeing an explosion of certain brain disorders.

Nehls: Depression and Alzheimer’s have the same cause: a lack of production of new nerve cells in the hippocampus.

Nehls says there are largely-ignored treatments that can turn the tide for some brain issues. Lifestyle changes like exercise, engagement in life, and nutrition, which includes proper amounts of dietary lithium and vitamin D that most Americans are low on, can prevent or reverse the effects of Alzheimer’s, depression, and COVID. …

Nehls: The German Cancer Research Center published a paper, and in its title, it says nine of 10 COVID deaths can be prevented by just increasing vitamin D. And there are hundreds of publications out.

Lisa: So there are hundreds of publications out that validate that research.

Nehls: Absolutely. …

Nehls: It was never about health. If people are not able to think clearly — consciously think — and have the ability to choose between two things, then there is no democracy anymore. And this is all happening right now.

I hope someone authoritative follows this up so we can get to the bottom of it, because it sounds very important. But “authoritative” is going to mean hired or funded by government, and governments are complicit in both covid and the vaccine mandates. So don’t hold your breath waiting for proof or disproof.