The ‘Oxford Black Panther’ behind Britain’s first black-led political party vows to make white men ‘our slaves’

The ‘Oxford Black Panther’ behind Britain’s first black-led political party vows to make white men ‘our slaves’, by Guy Birchill.

Sasha Johnson, a BLM leader, has set up a new party that will exclude white people from leadership roles and tweeted about ‘enslaving whites’. She’s just a young, female, black version of old white racists she says she’s fighting.

Another day has dawned in Britain, and with it yet another ridiculous demand from the intersectional left. During a Million Person March (attended, er, by around 400 people) in London, a BLM leader announced they would be forming the first black-led political party in Britain. This party will be called the Taking the Initiative Party (TTIP). …

Even Johnson’s claims for wanting “equality” seem not to hold up to scrutiny or fall into a distinctly Orwellian outcome of some people being more equal than others. Her Twitter account has recently been suspended after she pinned a tweet to her profile which read: “The white man will not be our equal but our slave. History is changing. No justice, no peace #BLM.” …

The left can try and argue that racism is about systems and power structures all they like, but the rest of us know it is hatred of another race. Johnson plainly hates white people and the mere fact that she is black should not give her a free pass. She can dress up as Che Guevara all she likes, but in reality, she’s nowhere near as glamorous as the Argentine revolutionary; she’s a black, female Nick Griffin with even less charisma.

What climate encourages racist, violent, Marxist opportunists like this?

An anti-white climate that is rolling back western Christian civilization as fast as possible.

hat-tip Stephen Neil