FOIA Dump Reveals Collusion Between Lynch, FBI And Media To Bury Bill Clinton Meeting

FOIA Dump Reveals Collusion Between Lynch, FBI And Media To Bury Bill Clinton Meeting, by Tyler Durden.

Back on June 29, 2016, Obama’s Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, tried to convince us that the following ‘impromptu’ meeting between herself and Bill Clinton at the Phoenix airport, a private meeting which lasted 30 minutes on Lynch’s private plane, was mostly a “social meeting” in which Bill talked about his grandchildren and golf game. It was not, under any circumstances, related to the statement that former FBI Director James Comey made just 6 days later clearing Hillary Clinton of any alleged crimes related to his agency’s investigation.

But, according to a new DOJ FOIA dump just released by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), it looks increasingly as if nothing reported about this “social meeting” between Lynch and Clinton was grounded in fact…shocking, we know.

First, the new FOIA documents seemingly confirm that the FBI and DOJ simply lied in response to the ACLJ’s initial FOIA request filed back in July 2016. …

Then comes a series of emails between DOJ officials and several mainstream media outlets that appear to reveal collusion to effectively ‘kill the story.”

Can you imagine all of the stuff we would have learned over the past 8 years if the press pursued the Obama administration and/or the Clinton investigation with even 1/10th of the vigor with which it is currently pursuing Trump?

This is a much bigger scandal and a much bigger threat to good governance in the US than any Trump-Russia links found so far. But the opinion-forming elite want to pretend it never happened. Don’t hold your breath waiting for the Australian ABC to mention the latest revelations.