“Liberal “friends” will sell you out in a heartbeat

“Liberal “friends” will sell you out in a heartbeat. By Larry Correia. Warning: Strong language (but a great rant).

I do paint with a broad brush about the left, because democrats who stand up against leftist insanity are a tiny minority. …

As soon as a democrat stands for principle outside of the narrative, they get tossed. Pick any of them in media, punditry, or academia. Any at all. Glenn Greenwald. Tim Pool. Jordan Peterson. Those were all mushy moderates, until they say hey wait, the left is going nuts, and boom, now the left thinks they are the second coming of Satan-Hitler.

And I’m not alone in this. Most politically alert non-leftists will tell you the same thing. You belong to a cult which will not abide heresy. You want to show us that you aren’t all authoritarian statist trash, DO SOMETHING. …

Two big tents, but they’re not the same:

Of course not everyone on the left is the same. It’s a big tent. There’s old fashioned liberals, who though they believe in stupid backwards policies, usually tend to have good but naïve intentions. Then there are the progressives, who are basically communist puritans who are actively trying to destroy America. Then there’s the news media, which is just pure Satanic evil. There are also useful idiot NPCs who don’t really have any belief system at all, who just repeat whatever script they are fed that day.

I can say equally insulting things about the right. We’re a big dumb tent too. It ranges from liberty minded people to authoritarians. We even let stupid Mitt Romney in it for some baffling and inexplicable reason. Many in the GOP are trash grifters or NRO cruise ship snobs. However, even though the most loathsome of republicans are corrupt, lazy, shiftless, and stupid, they usually aren’t trying to actively destroy the country.

The worst of both sides are the proverbial swamp creatures. And whether you loved Trump or hated him, there’s no denying that there’s a bloated, elitist, co-dependent bureaucrat/academic/pundit class whose primary motivation is getting and keeping more power for themselves. …

I see the right fight with itself constantly. The right is its own worst enemy in that respect. That’s why there’s always the joke about republicans snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. Too many of them are passive wusses who wish to maintain the status quo. Their ultimate achievement is to lose with dignity.

The leftist pack are coordinated and disciplined:

The left however gets shit done, because they always put aside their differences and work toward whatever goal their elite wants. This is effective, but also what makes them despicable. …

The politicians [and] the punditry … pick a narrative, no matter how false it may be, and they fucking PUSH. They run with that narrative until it absolutely collapses, then they make up a new narrative and run with it instead. …

When your leaders pick a narrative, you drink that Kool-Aid. Even if it’s shit flavored Kool-Aid, most of you smile and tell us it’s the best fucking Kool-Aid you’ve ever tasted. …

When the insane progs among you lie their asses off, I’m talking blatant, easily disproven, painfully ham-fisted, fucking LIES… Do you call them out? Do you say, “hang on guys, that’s a little nuts”. Because if you do, the rest of us sure as fuck don’t ever see it. Pick a topic, any topic. It’s always the same. …

Anytime there is a breaking news story, there will be legions of howling leftists, and blue check mark idiots, lying their asses off and saying the most horrific things imaginable. And since they literally own social media, they get an official pass while the uppity on the right get officially squashed. …

The rant moves into top gear:

Social media is a constant barrage of Common Internet Shit Gibbons popping in and screaming at everybody who diverges from the accepted leftist narrative. They work off a standardized playbook and repetitive talking points, sneering derision, and passive aggressive insults designed to get around algorithms, and it is all designed to shame people into silence.

Yet many people on the right are slowly waking up to this game, and they’re beginning to fight back, skipping the false civility, and getting right to the meat of things, and returning insult for insult… Oh THEN I can count on the Caring Liberals to show up! Inevitably, every fucking time. Whenever someone on the right fights back, that’s when the real-life liberals you know magically appear to cry about “civility” and “tone” and such rudeness!

Gee whiz, Aunt Margaret/coworker #7/guy from the gym. Where the fuck were you when the leftist assholes were screeching at me and wiping their diseased anus on my carpet? Nowhere. Oh yeah, that’s right. It’s because you voices of reason don’t actually care about civility, you just care about shaming your wrong thinking friends and family into compliance. You emotionally manipulative motherfuckers.

Why do I have such scorn and derision for the so-called reasonable voices on the left? A. I don’t believe most of you. B. If you do exist, you’re cowards, who do nothing, say nothing, and then maybe show up after the dust settles to chide the rest of us about our tone. …

Sad part is I know many liberals in real life who will admit that they helped create a monster, and its now gone out of control, and the beast will eat them if they draw its ire. Oh, they’ll tell me this in person, but they won’t say shit in public. Because they know they’ll get cancelled, boycotted, fired, mocked, threatened, and kicked out of the Goodthinkers Club.

The left is an abusive family:

Basically, when it comes to social interaction progs are the abusive trailer park husband. He sets the rules. He beats his family. He’s irrational and petty. The “rules” are arbitrary and capricious. If you know anything about abusive family relationships, you know there’s also co-dependents and enablers. That’s you fuckers. “It’s your fault he hit you.” “Maybe if you’re quiet he won’t get so mad.” “You brought this on yourself.” Note, this also describes the squish wing of the republicans. Just like the co-dependents, they get upset at any member of the family who challenges the abuser’s rules. …

It must be soul destroying to be a moderate lefty nowadays:

How many of your friends have you tossed under the bus? How many times have you been forced to disavow someone when the mob came for them? How many times have you kept your mouth shut, head down, or eyes closed while bad awful shit was being said? How many times have you been tempted to stand for something you believe in, but didn’t? I’m betting it’s too damned many.

I bet that wears on your soul.

No nails sticking up on the left:

Authoritarians of both stripes hate the nail which sticks up. It must be hammered down. Only my side’s authoritarians are a bunch of fucking dumbasses armed with Fisher Price squeaky hammers, so my side is littered with nails. We can actually talk shit about each other and our ideas. Your side’s authoritarians are a band of statist thugs, allied with the most powerful big tech corporations, and the most lock step media conglomerate in human history. When one of you stick up, you’re going to get hit with the hammer of Thor. …

And before you try the moral equivalence argument that both sides are the same, no, they clearly aren’t. Because I, a well-known novelist, talked mad shit about Trump in 2016, and I’ve still got a career. I thought he was conning the right and he was going to govern like a New York democrat (i.e. an authoritarian asshole). Yet the right didn’t destroy me for it. (full disclosure, I was wrong, he was way better than I expected, and I supported him in 2020).

The difference was many on the right disagreed with me, we fought, called each other names, argued, and then moved on. As long as you are honest about what you believe and why, most people on the right don’t give a fuck. The right didn’t try to cancel me or get me fired. They didn’t organize boycotts. They didn’t black ball me and kick me out of events. …

However, you cross the left? You’re fucking toast. They will destroy you. We’ve all seen it. Repeatedly. Over and over and over and over and over again. The left will build a narrative about how you are ultimate evil and must be shunned forever and kicked from polite society.

Look at Jordan Peterson. If you actually listen to the guy he’s a fairly innocuous little Canadian academic. His message isn’t shocking. There’s nothing lurid or sensational about the guy. The stuff he states is kind of no-brainer stuff for most people. Except then he diverged from the narrative, and holy shit, according to the left he is LITERALLY the Red Skull …

I learned this personally the hard way, several years ago when I was once the nail that stuck up and annoyed the left. They came at me every which way. They got me kicked out of everything. They tried to ruin my career (and failed, because they are morons who don’t understand my audience). They said the most fake, vile, disgusting fucking lies you can imagine, and while they were making all this outlandish shit up, do you know what the vast majority of my liberal friends did?


And back then I was naïve and still had more liberal friends, hard not to, if you’re in the writing business. But they did fucking nothing. They kept their mouths shut. They let obvious lies pass. To be fair a couple of them stood up and said, “no, I know Larry in real life, that’s simply not true.” And they got smacked down hard. The wolf turned on them, snarled, and my liberal friends promptly pissed themselves in fear, cowered, and begged for mercy.

I’ve since learned that I simply can’t trust you, because regardless of whatever you claim your principles to be, you will promptly abandon them in the instant they are needed most. Caring Liberals who looked me in the eye before I annoyed the left told me “I support you.” “I agree with you.” “This must be said.” But then when the heat came, they wilted.

You always fucking wilt. Liberal “friends” will sell you out in a heartbeat. Your lofty claims of courage are meaningless because your courage only extends in one direction. You will stand up against your ideological opponents, but you’ll never stand up against your allies. Because your allies are far scarier.

More at the link.