Mess with the Thai Royal Family At Your Peril, Pfizer

Mess with the Thai Royal Family At Your Peril, Pfizer. By Clif High.

Thai princess injured by the vax:

It seems that the Thai Royal family had a Princess who was a good global citizen. She took three of the Pfizer shots. She went into a coma a while back.

The Thai Royal family is very distressed. Investigations were ordered.

The distress of the Royals was increased by the reports coming back from their investigators. It seems that Pfizer, apparently, did NO safety studies on this shot.

Shortly thereafter, Thailand cancels the covid contracts with Pfizer on the basis of fraud. …

Additional rumors:

[Two trusted Americans ex-pats who have long lived in Thailand] have revealed to me that several, different, sources, are reporting to them, that ‘something’, a really big ‘something’, is disturbing the Bangkok ‘underworld’. My guys have contact with it through a couple of martial arts dojos. Both are hearing the same rumors, ‘disturbance in the force’ kind of rumors.

The rumor to NOT listen to says that ‘assassins’ are being ‘recruited’ out of very deep holes in the martial arts world.

Me? I would NOT want to have this logo on my letterhead as an executive.

Just rumors. Interesting if true. The corporate media is hardly going to say anything about any of this.