Brazilian Election Follows Trump 2020 Playbook

Brazilian Election Follows Trump 2020 Playbook. By Chris Waldeburger.

Is this the future of elections where one candidate stoutly opposes the globalist narrative?

Bolsonaro has undoubtedly had the election ‘fortified’ against him. …

Trump’s flaw was in not understanding that he had a mandate to destroy this administrative state. …

The international parallels:

In this Atlantic religion, anything which smacks of international socialism is approved and celebrated. Anything which is open borders, which is opposed to the natural right wing tradition of Christian Europe (throne and altar), which is for big welfare states and global bodies injecting kids with fake medicine and diabolic sexual ideology, is to be promulgated within the New Church of the New West. The global love given to a Canadian Trudeau or a Brazilian Lula exemplifies this aptly.

This is why the great and good hated Trump — for what he represents. This is why they hate Putin.

Hear it from the horse’s mouth, the Democrat congressman currently in charge of the January 6th ‘insurrection’ hearings:

“Moscow right now is a hub of corrupt tyranny, censorship, authoritarian repression, police violence, propaganda, government lies and disinformation, and planning for war crimes. It is a world center of antifeminist, antigay, anti-trans hatred, as well as the homeland of replacement theory for export. In supporting Ukraine, we are opposing these fascist views, and supporting the urgent principles of democratic pluralism.”

Who is he speaking about? It is an attack on Putin, but it is equally an attack on MAGA, on the burgeoning European Right, or Bolsonaro in Brazil. And this is why they hate Bolsonaro. This is why he was not allowed to win Sunday’s election.

Trump 2020:

One of the many anomalies in the 2020 election was the bizarre and fantastical advantage Biden enjoyed in the opinion polls before Election Day, despite being unable to draw a crowd or speak coherently …

Then look at what happened in the key swing states on Election Day, contra the polling: In Ohio, the average polling underestimated Trump by 7%. In Florida by 3%. Wisconsin 4%. Pennsylvania 4%. (Trump did not win the latter two states.) … 30,000 more votes to Trump spread out in Georgia, Arizona, and Wisconsin would have won him the election. How many voters believed the election had been lost by virtue of the biased polling and stayed home? …

Biden managed to win only 1 of 19 ‘bellwether’ counties, the counties where the outcome of the vote has predicted the last eight out of nine elections.

Even stranger, Biden smashed Obama’s vote total, yet somehow won fewer counties overall. …

How many voters were unaware of Biden’s corruption via his son, who would have shifted their vote if the media had not blacked out the story with help from the CIA? (The answer is 16% of Biden voters.)

And, of course, how many votes were fraudulent, given that they were posted in drop boxes without any ID verification, in huge dumps? For example, it was statistically impossible for Biden to have won so many of the mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania. Did the media care? Of course not. They wanted the rage on January 6th as an excuse to designate half the country as either actual or potential terrorists.

I believe what happened in 2020 was that local Democrat election officials were not taken by surprise by the level of Trump support as they did in 2016. They had enough fraud ready to put Biden over the line on Election Night, in the urban areas exactly where they needed the extra vote.

Bolosonaro 2022:

I have gone into such detail, because we have seen the exact same thing happen in Brazil this past weekend, and indeed weeks ago when Bolsonaro made a mockery of the polling when he denied Lula a majority in the first round of the election.

Lula had been projected to win by 15% or so and take a majority in the first round. Instead he was kept to under 50% and only edged Bolsonaro by 5%.

The Bolsonaro over-performance was strange in itself. The polling was around 10% off in the presidential race, but off by more than 30% in down-ticket races where Bolsonaro candidates dominated. This is most unusual.

Now, this past Sunday, the race closed even further, with Lula apparently winning 51% to 49%.

If you look at the regional breakdown of the results, things get even stranger.

Reports are coming in that prisoners are celebrating because they know Lula will go soft on them, as are the narco-gangs.

Meanwhile, the Christians are concerned and are currently praying for the nation in desperation …

It is obvious, therefore, that like Biden and so many others, Lula is the candidate for anarcho-tyranny, in which good and decent citizens are hounded by criminals and vaccinators, whilst prisoners and drug dealers run rampant.

The country can go to hell, but at least the green fanatics are happy. This is why Lula can get love from both Trudeau and the Venezuelan dictator at the same time.

This image from New York is, of course, totally normal:

In summary, elections around the world are now crooked. The people are being cut out of the democratic process, particularly people of faith who respect law and order, and who oppose global lockdowns … and fake climate science.

Sadly, it looks like this may be the case.