Robert F. Kennedy Jr: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services subsumed by commercial aspects of vaccine production

Robert F. Kennedy Jr: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services subsumed by commercial aspects of vaccine production. By Charles Creitz.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., son of the late former U.S. attorney general and nephew of a senator and a president, … said that his years of practicing environmental law showcased how government agencies engage in “corporate capture” — wherein they sometimes make money and/or exert control over otherwise private interests like pharmaceutical companies.

“Regulating industries [sometimes] assert control over the agencies that are supposed to regulate them, and essentially turn them into sock puppets,” he said. “I’ve been working on vaccine issues since 2005. And the kind of regulatory capture that you see in that space is really capture-on-steroids, because … the FDA gets 45% of its budget from vaccine companies, from the [pharma] industry,” he claimed. …

“Tony Fauci’s agency owns half of the Moderna patent, and stands to make billions and billions of dollars on sales of the Moderna vaccine,” Kennedy claimed.

Bureaucrat on the make.

As the administrative state supplanted the elected government after 1930 in making most rules, it developed huge power over industry. Corporates now have to do what their bureaucrats want, or their companies run into regulatory problems. Bureaucrats also took over the main left party — from the deplorable workers — in western countries after 1970. The bureaucrats are the essence of the new ruling class, the glue that binds and controls.

Do bureaucrats make mistakes?

hat-tip Charles