WakeUp to GetUp: Shorten will be beholden to “global network of radical left wing activists”

WakeUp to GetUp: Shorten will be beholden to “global network of radical left wing activists”, by Joanne Nova.

This election has been run on the lowest base primal tactics in Australian history. National policy has become a cult-like hate campaign. Which moderate centrist politician do we despise the most?

The Alinsky-ite targeted smear campaign doesn’t attack a party, it isolates individuals, reducing voting to Good person: Bad person. The marked men and sole woman are those who question any part of the permitted agenda, especially on climate change. GetUp trashes their reputations with raining hate, manufactured scorn and lies that get cynically get “retracted” but never undone.

GetUp also target the young and uninformed — using children as political activists. It only works because most of the Australian media repeats the toxic lines, and edits out the most informed views of half the electorate to be aired and debated. To be sure the ABC will seek out the odd conservative truckie or farmer (and the odder the better), but they won’t ask Australians with doctorates who disagree with their own political ideals. …

Prime Skeptic Targets in the Liberal-National coalition: NSW, Tony Abbott, Craig Kelly. QLD – Keith Pitt, George Christian and Ken O’Dowd (all Nationals)  VICTORIA – Kevin Andrews.  WA – Andrew Hastie.

Gerard Benedet and Advance Australia are taking GetUp on.

I’m sharing in the spirit of filling the hole that the billion dollar national broadcaster won’t: