Rachel Maddow sheds tears, viewers

Rachel Maddow sheds tears, viewers, by Paul Mirengoff.

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow lost half-a-million viewers in just one week after it became clear that Robert Mueller did not find enough evidence to support a claim of “collusion” between the Trump campaign and Russia.

The phony Russia collusion story had been good to Maddow. It helped drive her show consistently to first or second place in overall cable news ratings during the past year. Sometimes, she garnered more than three million viewers, again according to the Daily Caller. …

The author did not see her show where she had to admit it, but:

Had I indulged, apparently I would have seen Maddow “struggle[] to hold back tears as she delivered her opening monologue last Friday, clearly stunned that Mueller did not bring any indictments against the president or his family.” She must have believed her own bulls**t.

Many on the PC left  believed it. Anther PC fantasy, promulgated by the media, punctured by reality