Men ‘face MORE discrimination than women’: Global study claims males receive the raw end of the deal with harsher punishments for the same crime, compulsory military service and more deaths at work

Men ‘face MORE discrimination than women’: Global study claims males receive the raw end of the deal with harsher punishments for the same crime, compulsory military service and more deaths at work. By Joe Pinkstone.

A method that assesses the forms of hardship and discrimination facing men and women has revealed males have it harder in 91 countries out of 134. Women were disadvantaged in only 43.

The study looked at 6.8 billion people around the world and scientists developed a new way of measuring gender inequality.

The UK, the US and Australia all discriminate against men more whereas Italy, Israel and China are harder environments for women, according to the study.

Researchers say this is due to men receiving harsher punishments for the same crime, compulsory military service and more occupational deaths than women.

The study was carried out by the University of Essex and the University of Missouri-Columbia and published in the journal Plos One. …

The top ranked nation to favour women over men is claimed to be Saudi Arabia …

Professor Stoet added: ‘We’re not saying that women in highly developed countries are not experiencing disadvantages in some aspects of their lives.

‘What we are saying is that an ideal measure of gender equality is not biased to the disadvantages of either gender.

‘Doing so, we find a different picture to the one commonly presented in the media.

My shocked face is really getting a workout today!