Californian judge bars LA from enforcing gang restrictions that authorities credited with reducing crime

Californian judge bars LA from enforcing gang restrictions that authorities credited with reducing crime, by Gregg Re.

The ACLU challenged the constitutionality of the injunctions because the city could obtain them against gangs, rather than individuals. …

A Los Angeles police union condemned the ruling in a statement.

“Appropriately applied, gang injunctions are a valuable law enforcement tool intended to improve the safety of Los Angeles neighborhoods and stem the tide of drug dealing, assaults, and other violent crimes associated with gangs,” the Los Angeles Police Protective League said.

Scott, who lived in LA for most of his life, comments:

This is what’s going on in the People’s Republic of Mexifornia. …

The activist judges are trying to have open borders and bring in and keep as many illegal aliens as possible. They come in to California, get drivers licenses, all social services including medical and welfare and as such are beholden to the left. They become the new, growing and never ending voter base (remember, no ID required to vote in California, nor do you have to speak English).

They get free stuff from the left-run government, and as such have no reason to vote for the Right.

If Trump can’t stop this, the US is finished.

Demography is destiny.

hat-tip Scott of the Pacific