SJW Attack Survival Guide

SJW Attack Survival Guide, by Vox Day. From chapter 7 of his book, SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police:


We hope you don’t need this, but there might come a time when you do. Certainly many elements of this have happened to Joanne and me multiple times because we oppose their climate change narrative.

The eight stages of the SJW attack sequence are as follows:

  1. Locate or Create a Violation of the Narrative.
  2. Point and Shriek.
  3. Isolate and Swarm.
  4. Reject and Transform.
  5. Press for Surrender.
  6. Appeal to Amenable Authority.
  7. Show Trial.
  8. Victory Parade.

How to respond:

1. RECOGNIZE it is happening. REMAIN calm. REALIZE no one cares.

Do not panic! Don’t go running to others for help or sympathy, don’t try to convince everyone around you how outrageous or unfair the accusation is, and don’t explain to anyone how little you deserve the way you are being treated. They don’t care. They really don’t. …

2. Don’t try to reason with them.

Most people who come under SJW attack have the causality backwards. They think the attack is taking place due to whatever it is that they did or said. That’s not the case. The attack is taking place because of who you are and what you represent to the SJWs: a threat to their Narrative. …

Accept … the complete impossibility of compromise or even meaningful communication with your attackers.

SJWs do not engage in rational debate because they are not rational and they do not engage in honest discourse because they do not believe in objective truth. They have no interest whatsoever in talking to you or trying to understand you, indeed, they will avoid you and do their best to minimize their communications with you while constantly talking about you and “explaining” the real meaning of your words and your nefarious true intentions to everyone else. …

3. Do not apologize.

Do not say anything that can be taken as an apology in any way.

Normal people seek apologies because they want to know that you feel bad about what you have done and that you will at least attempt to avoid doing it again in the future. When SJWs push you for an apology after pointing-and-shrieking at you, what they are seeking is a confession to bolster their indictment. …

The SJWs are simply looking for a public confession that will confirm their accusations, give them PR cover, and provide them with the ammunition required to discredit and disemploy you. Apologizing will accomplish nothing more than hand them the very weapons they require to destroy you. …

4. Accept your fate.

If the SJWs were not confident they could take you out, they would not have launched the attack in the first place. They prey upon those they believe, rightly or wrongly, to be vulnerable. Even if you survive the attack, it’s highly unlikely that your reputation will survive unscathed as there are simply too many people who are inclined to split the difference in any conflict between two parties, no matter how crazy or dishonest they know one of the parties to be. Be prepared to be disappointed by the behavior of some of the people you believe to be your friends. …

5. Document their every word and action

6. Do not resign!

You must always keep in mind that their real goal is not to formally purge you, but to encourage you to quit on your own. That allows them to publicly wash their hands of the affair and claim that your decision to leave was not their fault. …

No matter how deeply the deck is stacked against you, the outcome will always be in doubt unless you resign. You always have a chance to defeat them as long as you don’t quit. …

Don’t believe them when they tell you that a resignation will make all the pain and humiliation go away, because SJWs always lie.

7. Make the rubble bounce.

Play as dirty as your conscience will permit. Undermine them, sabotage them, and discredit them. Be ruthless and show them absolutely no mercy. …

If you have any SJWs working under you, fire them. If you have an SJW relying upon you for something, play dumb and assure him that he’ll get it on time, then fail to deliver, all the while promising that it’s going to be done next week. Above all, understand that the normal rules of live and let live are no longer in effect. …

Assume that you are on your way out … and salt the earth. Leave devastation in your wake so that it will take weeks or even months for them to try to recover from the damage of your purging.

8. Start nothing, finish everything.

Reward enemies who leave you alone by leaving them in peace. Reward enemies who insist on continuing hostilities with disincentivizing responses that are disproportionate to their provocations.

hat-tip Matthew