Utah Sheriff: “I will Deputize Every Man, Woman and Child” to Stop Federal Agents”

Utah Sheriff: “I will Deputize Every Man, Woman and Child” to Stop Federal Agents,” by Tim Brown.

Friends, this is what is needed, constitutional sheriffs. Furthermore, presidential candidates don’t just need to be held to the status quo. They need to be asked if they will seek the dismantling of the unconstitutional agencies like the BLM, the Forest Service, the ATF, the DEA, the Department of Education and Homeland Security. The heads of these organizations don’t answer to the people. They are appointed bureaucrats who infringe on the rights of the people and violate the US Constitution.

Until we are ready to eliminate and decentralize the Beast, we don’t need to complain about it. The Beast has shed its chains and has showed us its true form. The People must either restrain it, which is unlikely, or kill it. There is no other solution.

hat-tip Barry Corke