We Need Masculine Men

We Need Masculine Men. By Itxu Diaz.

In the long list of absurd things I have done in my life, perhaps the most absurd was to study sociology. According to P. J. O’Rourke, sociology is one of those college majors invented by the liberals “to prove that nothing is anybody’s fault.” …

The woke bible:

Giddens’ Sociology, the discipline’s grand manual, spends a lot of pages talking about gender and sexuality. … The trap that this author and all the champions of woke feminism fall into is starting from a double lie: their denial of biology, and their contempt for masculine values.

Paradoxically, in their exaltation of feminism, they demand that women adopt those same masculine roles that they outlaw for men, including the capacity for domination, and individual freedom. In fact, that is why the woke feminists are at war: it is inconsistent to despise a quality in men and exalt it in women.

All of these theories, advanced in university textbooks, are already present in our political discourse. They form part of the identity agenda that the cultural and political left is imposing. In this battle, men are often cornered, accused of crimes they have not committed, cast under the shadow of suspicion, and bound by prejudice in their relations with women. In many countries, women’s testimony is privileged over men’s. Spain, for example, just passed a law that expands the definition of sexual assault to encompass violations of campus-style definitions of consent. The courts, consequently, have been saturated by thousands of false accusations. Who would have known?


To balance out my reading of Giddens, I turned to a book from 1870 entitled Men as Judged by Women, which compiles the best texts written by women about men, pointing out what they like about them and highlighting their different virtues. …

Without being subjected to contemporary ideological pressures, the women in the anthology speak unrestrainedly — and with tremendous harshness — about the men who usurps typically feminine values, perhaps in search of a fictitious equality. “The man-woman has neither the value of the one nor the virtues of the other,” one of the women says. “[H]e is the negation of the two sexes, he is a being without a name, in a word, he is a monster.”

C.S. Lewis, who also dedicated many lines to understanding the heart of man, said that the gentleman must embrace two extremes: being “a man of blood and iron” and at the same time being “a demure, almost maidenlike, guest in a hall, a gentle, modest, unobtrusive man”.

With men like this, it is possible to create a better world. With men who are lost, afraid of breaking contemporary progressive identity norms, submissive to one or the other, and uncertain of their own masculinity, there is nothing that can be built that will not collapse: not a relationship, not a family, not a professional project, not a nation. …

Less masculine men mean less satisfied women — mothers who have to be both mothers and fathers at home; girlfriends who cannot plan and dream around their partners because they bend and break like straw; commuters who do not give up their place in the subway to a lady; or girlfriends who cannot find a reliable and serene shoulder to cry on.

Of course, it is more comfortable to be a straw man, one of those guys who hides his lack of courage, effort, and ambition in pursuit of a feminist version of masculinity that leads him to become a worse person and worse company. It is time to be men again — manly men. Nature has arranged that we complement and love each other, to fight against that as the left intends us to can only lead to melancholy.

Woke versus reality:

In the end, all the sociology books in the world may suffice to convince bureaucrats and legislators. But biology cannot be fooled.

Two facts that no amount of woke happy-talk will change: Women despise weak men, and men avoid fat women.