Why UK police and media hounded and persecuted an innocent couple over airport drones they had nothing to do with

Why UK police and media hounded and persecuted an innocent couple over airport drones they had nothing to do with, by Robert Spencer.

There were 67 drone sightings at London’s Gatwick Airport. Police have denied rumors that are spreading today that there were no drones. But no one knows who sent the drones. However, the British police and media did all they could to destroy the lives of Paul Gait and Elaine Kirk over these drones.

Here are some of the ways they did so:

1. They arrested them and held them for 35 hours for questioning.

2. They released their names to the public, convicting them in the court of public opinion without any evidence that they had actually sent these drones.

3. They refused to speak with John Allard and receive his evidence that exonerated the couple.

4. They “ripped” Paul Gait’s “house apart.”

Why did the police work so hard to destroy Elaine Kirk and Paul Gait? There is only one answer: because they aren’t Muslim, and they afforded British officials a chance to substantiate their ridiculous claim that “far right” extremists pose a terror threat equivalent to that of Islamic jihadists. There is no doubt that some British officials were thrilled at the prospect of Gait and Kirk having sent the drones: finally some actual “right-wing” non-Muslim terrorists! So they splashed their names all over the press, in stark contrast to how taciturn and laconic they frequently get when Islamic terrorists are arrested.

hat-tip Stephen Neil