Merkel heckled twice in one day as she defends refugee policy

Merkel heckled twice in one day as she defends refugee policy, by RT.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel was heckled twice on Tuesday by right-wing anti-immigrant protesters as she stubbornly defended her open-door refugee policy, one of the most contested issues in the country’s upcoming federal election.

Members of the anti-immigrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) party booed Merkel, the top candidate of the Christian Democratic Union Party (CDU) at an election campaign rally in the town of Bitterfeld-Wolfen, in Saxony-Anhalt, Germany.

“Merkel must go away”, “Protect basic law from Merkel” and “I used to be CDU voter, today I want to see Mrs. Merkel in court,” were the welcoming chants from AfD supporters in Bitterfeld-Wolfen, the Leipziger Volkszeitung reported. …

Despite much-voiced criticism, Merkel’s party’s support now stands at 37 percent according to the latest poll by the INSA Institute released Tuesday, Reuters reported. SPD, a member of her coalition has 24 percent. The poll shows support for the Left and the AfD parties at 10 percent.

hat-tip Stephen Neil