Ivermectin Now, Ivermectin Forever

Ivermectin Now, Ivermectin Forever

by David Archibald

18 January 2021


The Wuhan virus lockdowns have become tedious. We are ready to move on. The next big national project could very well be war with China, and we should be preparing for that instead. However, the Australian state governments are enjoying themselves too much in yanking our chains.

Consider that in the UK after WW2, rationing continued until 1954 — nine years after the war ended and much longer than the war itself. The state governments would be happy for another nine years of lockdown pantomime, no matter what the science. That is why Australia’s vaccination rollout is so slow — it would end the party.

Just as in global warming, the state governments are producing reports with fake science to justify their position. The latest contribution from the NSW Department of Health on ivermectin is schizoid. That report starts by quoting a Bulgarian paper saying that ivermectin can’t be any good because you can’t get the blood concentration high enough for it to be effective. Then it follows that with evidence from 10 papers showing dramatic improvement on ivermectin. It is said that ability to hold two contradictory positions in your mind at the same time is the sign of a great intellect, or it might just be stupidity in this case.

The Bulgarian paper was financed by that country’s veterinarians, who felt that a veterinary drug shouldn’t be used in humans. So, in part, the NSW lockdowns are justified by how Bulgaria’s vets feel about themselves.

The evidence from some of the ten papers is compelling. From page nine of the NSW Health report:

Ivermectin seemed to control the course of the disease in patients with COVID-19. None of the ivermectin-treated patients showed progressive pathology, such as pneumonia or cardiovascular complications. On the other hand, 9.8% of standard care patients developed pneumonia and 1.5% had ischemic stroke.

Significantly fewer ivermectin-treated patients required oxygen inhalation (9.6% ivermectin group vs 45.9% standard care group), developed respiratory distress (2.6% vs 15.8%), or needed antibiotic treatment (15.7% vs 60.2%) and intensive care management (0.9% vs 8.3%).

Patients receiving ivermectin became SARS-CoV-2 negative more quickly (median 4 days vs 15 days).

The ivermectin-treated patients also had shorter hospital stays (median 9 days vs 15 days).

The mortality rate was significantly lower in the ivermectin group than standard care (0.9% vs 6.8%).

There was no adverse events or complications reported from patients using ivermectin.

From page 8 of the NSW Health report:

An international, multicentre observational case-controlled study in 1,408 patients with COVID-19 (half of whom received ivermectin) demonstrated a lower in-hospital mortality (1.4%) in the treatment group, versus an 8.5% mortality in the non-treatment group).

And from page 7:

Gorial et al included 16 patients who received ivermectin had hospital stays averaging 7.62 days, lower than the average hospital stays of 71 patients not receiving ivermectin (13.22 days). Two patients died in the control group, none in the ivermectin group.

Drugs have been approved on far less evidence of efficacy than what you have just read in the above paragraphs. The reduction in death rate looks like about 85%, which is the same as the best of the vaccines. And ivermectin doesn’t kill anybody, whereas vaccines do kill a proportion of those vaccinated, some straight away and then some later. A Czech gentleman by the name of Lubos Motl has been able to predict that Australia will have a lot of vaccination deaths. He has written, and so it shall be:

It may happen that once the mass vaccination starts, it will become very obvious that the vaccine will kill vastly more Australian people than Covid has so far.

Mr Motl made this prediction based on what happened in Norway where 23 people died from 33,000 vaccinated. These are the people who die straight away as a reaction to the vaccination. Vaccination can also cause death through antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) in which binding of a virus to suboptimal antibodies enhances its entry into host cells, followed by its replication. This makes a vaccinated person experience a worse reaction to the virus than if he had remained unvaccinated. ADE has been seen from vaccination for a number of viral diseases including flu, dengue fever and HIV.

In a world in which health authorities are happier to kill a few people rather than see their temporary power reduced, it is up to individuals to look after themselves and the people they care for. Even if you are indifferent about shuffling off this mortal coil, it is a moral imperative to see to the care and attention of loved ones. To that end, this paper from the East Virginia Medical School is the best protocol on treatment of infection with the Wuhan virus. No doubt the protocol will be refined and ivermectin’s cure rate will rise beyond 90%. Figure 1 from that paper shows that ivermectin is used at all stages of the disease:



Recovering from the Wuhan virus isn’t all beer and skittles. From that report:

The post-COVID-19 syndrome is characterized by prolonged malaise, headaches, generalized fatigue, painful joints, dyspnea, chest pain and cognitive dysfunction. Up to 50% of patients experience prolonged illness after Covid-19.

The post-COVID-19 syndrome may persistent for months after the acute infection and almost half of patients report reduced quality of life. The neurological symptoms may be related micro- and/or macrovascular thrombotic disease which appears to be common in severe COVID-19 disease.

Brain MRIs’ 3 months post-infection demonstrated micro-structural changes in 55% of patients.

Vaccination for the Wuhan virus is problematic, in that the virus has a very low death rate for people under 60. But for these same under 60 year olds, vaccination itself will have a death rate. If the vaccination wears off with time and the spike protein on the virus mutates so that people have to be revaccinated over their life, the cumulative incidence of vaccination deaths may exceed the death rate of the unvaccinated.

In the meantime Australia holds an enormous stock of ivermectin thanks to our sheep industry. And ivomec for sheep isn’t adulterated with other molecules in the manner of heartworm tablets for dogs. Mr Motl concluded his missive with another prediction:

It’s possible that Australia, after a year or two of frantic lockdowns, will conclude that they were useless and it’s better to allow the virus to propagate as naturally as elsewhere, anyway.

If someone living 14,000 km away can see the obvious truth of the matter but we can’t, that reflects poorly on us.



David Archibald is the author of The Anticancer Garden in Australia.