The American racial predicament

The American racial predicament. By Fred Reed.

America’s racial circumstances, its lightning demographic transformation unimaginable a half century ago, runs apace, not just with Latinos filtering across the southern border, but with the federal government inexplicably importing people from Somalia and Afghanistan and, apparently, trying to intensify racial division. It is an astonishment of a high order, the best show in town. How, why, and whither? …

Over half of children eighteen and under are not white. Thus in an uncertain but small number of years, America will mostly not be white. This, like sunrise, is going to happen no matter what anyone thinks about it. Wow. …


Blacks exercise power out of proportion to their numbers in the population. The reasons are several. Blacks bloc vote. Their percentage of the vote in presidential elections is greater than the margin of victory. In the cities their high rates of crime drive out whites.

Governments at all levels are afraid of blacks, who if crossed will riot, loot, and burn. Any attempt to crack down on crime would result in explosion, and everyone knows it, so law does not extend to these regions. In aggregate, these enclaves constitute a sort of distributed country within a country.

Further, blacks now control American culture and politics. This is manifest in the overwhelming presence of blacks in television, popular music, in the toppling of statues and renaming of buildings, military bases, and so on, in the search for systemic racism, the lowering of standards in almost everything, and insistence on racial quotas on boards of corporate directors and high-tech industry.


East Asians and, increasingly, Indians dominate America’s high-tech world. They are less conspicuous than blacks and Latinos, but the country grows rapidly more dependent on them. They make up around seventy percent of the very high-end high schools — Thomas Jefferson in Virginia, Brooklyn, Stuyvesant, Bronx. The pattern holds in the elite tech universities: CalTech, MIT, Harvard. Not only the students but the professors are heavily Asian.

Interestingly, India supplies a growing part of America’s brains. One telling example is that Indians are CEOs of IBM, Google, Twitter, Microsoft, Adobe, and Mastercard, among others.


In decline, both proportionately in the population and in dwindling numbers in science and engineering. This is perhaps most conspicuous in the downgrading of mathematics in schools and universities as being racist.

There is among many whites opposition to what is sometimes called “the browning of America.” Various, often overlapping, groups with names like the Alt Right, White Nationalists, and Dissident Right. They express alarm over the colorizing of America. Contrary to assertions in the media, they are usually decent people, certainly not “terrorists,” but they fight a battle already lost. Large numbers of whites not formally involved with these groups strongly oppose immigration.

Often they are supporters of Trump. Conservative romantics, they accept American founding myths vaguely related to reality and remember the security, amiability, and unity of the former America (which existed: I was there.)

They see the country they knew fading, the poor academic performance of blacks and Latinos, crime high and rising, and point to race riots as evidence of decline. Oldsters among them remember a time when you could leave your bicycle anywhere and it would still be there when you came back. …

The biggest problem is unspeakable today:

While whites, Asians, and Latinos get along reasonably well, blacks get along with nobody. The attacks on Asians we hear about are all by blacks, who do not like Latinos, and who engage in the Knockout Game against whites.

Black crime drives whites and middle-class blacks from the cities. Because the media downplay or conceal problems with blacks, many are unaware of the gravity of circumstances, of the illiteracy and hopelessness and fury in the big ghettos. They exist. Nothing is being done about them and probably nothing can be done.


Detroit today

If there comes a racial explosion in the United States, it will be between black and white. At present the media keep the lid on by concealing violence, and this may be the wisest course, though it is hard to see how it is any more than kicking the can down the road.

Sad, but pretending otherwise and not facing up to reality will make it worse in the long run.