Corporate Australia’s crocodile tears

Corporate Australia’s crocodile tears. By Damian Coory.

Having sat on their hands while liberalism was annihilated in Australia, our corporate leaders are reportedly in shock at the news we have a Treasurer and Prime Minister determined to drive the greatest central control of our economy since the Whitlam era.

Spare me. …

The only business people who will suffer are — as always — small business, tradies, and the self-employed. The segment that employs more than half the nation’s workers, pays most of the tax, and is by far the most productive.

Those who enjoy the comforts and hide in the cracks of incompetence and inefficiency that riddle large organisational structures, will remain untouched, whether they’re public servants or corporate bureaucrats. Not only won’t they feel any pain from the Albo-Chalmers’ socialist ego trip, they’ll benefit from it. Hence bullets made of cotton wool are being fired from the organisations that claim to speak for private enterprise.

Large business hates small business. Small business represents the people who were good enough at their jobs and confident enough to walk away from the ‘machine’ to make it on their own two feet. They provide services and products more efficiently and more cheaply and often with a much better attitude than big business could ever hope to. The only way big business can win is to tie them up in bureaucracy. Red and green tape that is designed to suffocate…

Big corporations, both global and domestic, love it when big government talks about regulation. They know that only they have the size and scale to absorb the ridiculous waste inherent in meeting all the increased administrative requirements and paperwork and approvals that big government regulation brings in the name of ‘fairness’ and ‘safety’. Admin is toxic to small business and owner-operators. Every minute stuck behind a computer doing admin is one less minute spent doing the job that adds real value. Since most of that stuff is done ‘after hours’ it’s time stolen from small business peoples’ family and social lives too. Often too big a price to pay for many. …

Has he thought this through?

Went straight from his PhD in Canberra into politics. No private sector experience.

Jim Chalmers’ 600-word manifesto (+5,400 words of insufferable undergraduate-level waffle) promises a ‘new sustainable finance architecture which will rate the climate impact of different investments’.

The 44-year-old boy from Logan, who holds a PhD in political science but has never run a business, is sure that where 20th century leftist leaders dramatically failed, he will succeed.

Jim Chalmers can ‘fix capitalism’, according to … Jim Chalmers.

Good government:

Somebody forgot to tell Jim that capitalism works best when you don’t try to ‘fix’ it, but lightly regulate its excesses and then leave it alone.

Benefits of the free market come from the ‘free’ bit. Leave the market to do its thing, and innovation will thrive, inefficient operators will fail and die out, those who add the most value will flourish, competition will drive profit margins and prices down, and everyone benefits.

It’s inherently democratic — millions of people making millions of tiny decisions daily — leading almost always to the best outcomes.

Good government doesn’t seek to change that. Good government seeks only to lightly regulate where the market fails, which is usually where competition is lost to monopoly, or adverse consequences require some standards to be set and policed, to ensure a level playing field.

Good government is a referee, but Jim and his ilk want to play the game. And they want to play in every position on the field all at once, happy to sideline the Ronaldos and Maradonas while they do so. What could possibly go wrong?

Our education system has been run by lefties for a couple of decades, and most are too old to remember Whitlam’s economic problems, so here we are in Australia about to learn the lesson again.