Woke Justice in a Transgender Bathroom near Washington

Woke Justice in a Transgender Bathroom near Washington. By Miranda Devine.

The callousness is what is so hard to stomach from the progressive elites of Loudoun County, Virginia, the wealthy dormitory community of Washington, DC.

They laughed and cheered when plumber Scott Smith was crash-tackled by police and humiliated at a school board meeting on June 22 as he tried to raise the plight of his 15-year-old daughter, who he says was raped and sodomized in the school bathroom by a boy in a skirt. No one expressed any concern for his daughter.

There was no compassion, either, from superintendent Scott Ziegler, who claimed bafflingly at the meeting that there had been no assault in a school restroom anywhere in Loudoun County and airily dismissed parents’ concerns about the risks of transgender bathrooms. …

The rainbow activist who allegedly threatened Smith’s livelihood at that meeting told him point-blank his daughter’s rape three weeks earlier did not happen, as if she would know.

He raised his voice and called her a “bitch.”

For that mild response to her provocation, he was arrested. The video of his humiliation, his T-shirt ripped, his belly exposed, his pants pulled down, went viral globally.

48-year-old white plumber who complained to the ruling class that his 15-year-old daughter had indeed been raped — by one of their transgender students, in a transgender bathroom at their enlightened school.

The Soros-funded left-wing prosecutor, Buta Biberaj, reportedly a decarceration proponent, tried to get Smith jailed for his disruptive behavior. …

Jeering progressives demonized and dehumanized him. They fat-shamed him on social media and toasted their success at getting him banned from the next school board meeting at which they passed their policy to turn all Loudoun County school bathrooms transgender. …

“If someone would have sat and listened for 30 seconds to what Scott had to say, they would have been mortified and heartbroken,” Smith’s attorney, Elizabeth Lancaster, told the Daily Wire. …

The alleged rapist of his daughter was quietly shipped to another school, where he struck again. …

Smith, 48, became the poster boy for the new “domestic terrorism” the Biden administration has concocted to destroy anyone who gets in the way of its agenda. …

Five days later, on Oct. 4, the obedient Attorney General Merrick Garland issued his infamous memo that sics the FBI on parents like Smith.

Again, not a thought for Smith or his daughter. …

The reason the June 22 meeting got rowdy was because the progressive school board had “stacked the deck” by opening public speaking slots a day early so that pro-transgender bathroom activists could fill the slate.

One after the other, activists spoke in favor of the unpopular policy and traduced the majority of parents in the room as bigots. One said “hate … seems to be dripping off the followers of Jesus in this room.”

When parents in the room objected, the board threatened to close the meeting and instructed them to use “jazz hands” — silent gestures instead of cheering, jeering or clapping. Then the anti-Jesus speaker was reallocated her time so she could repeat the hateful remark.

Bringing down the West, one school at a time.