Poll: 91% of Trump voters sticking by him

Poll: 91% of Trump voters sticking by him. By Frank Luntz.

  • 91% of Trump voters say they’d still vote for him if another presidential election were held today
  • 25% of Trump voters polled stated that the president was responsible for the Capitol Hill riot
  • 78% of Trump voters agree with Trump’s claims that it was “stolen.”
  • 67% of Trump voters believe if you count the votes “accurately and fairly,” Trump would win.
  • The greatest threat to America’s security? Socialism: 16%, the Radical Left 15%, fake news media 15%. Which adds to 46%, most of the half that voted for Trump.

That poll proves that democracy failed in 2020. Democracy is a system whereby you agree that your political opponents can run the government if they win the election, on the understanding that there is another election in a few years time. Democracy fails when there is widespread doubt over who won the election.

The 2020 Presidential election failed to be transparent and convincing, for obvious reasons. The election procedures need to be changed, and a do-over election or at least a bipartisan investigation into the last election are necessary to restore faith in democracy and government in the USA.