It’s Not All Bad News

It’s Not All Bad News. By The Z-Man.

There are several remarkable things happening in response to the massive push back from Americans to the oligarchic coup we are seeing unfold. The one getting the most attention, of course, is the hysterical reaction by the political class. Their rhetoric is so out of sync with reality it suggests mental illness. One thing not getting noticed is how Conservative Inc. appears to collapsing right in front of us. …

The GOP has been obsessed with tone policing everyone for generations now. The reason people voted for the loudmouth is they are sick of being told they cannot speak out against what is happening. …

The more vibrant and active [conservative] sites are shifting into the populist camp as they realize there is no future with the National Review [NRO] types. The average age of a NRO reader is over 70 now. …

All of this is good news. The National Review type has always been a hindrance to the genuine right-wing, because they operate as the “good” conservative. That is, the Left anoints them as the opposition, so money and attention flow to them. Meanwhile, the genuine opposition to the Left is begging for scraps and attention. …

All of this points to something much bigger. What has unfolded since the election has opened the eyes of millions of people. Despite the rhetoric from their cult leaders, even many lefties are getting nervous about what is happening. They live close enough to reality to know what lies ahead if we keep on this pace. For Conservative Inc., it means they no longer have an audience hoping that a settlement can be negotiated with their friends on the Left. Principled surrender is no longer an option.