Woke Oregon Professor Blames ‘White Christians’ for West Coast Wildfires

Woke Oregon Professor Blames ‘White Christians’ for West Coast Wildfires, by Thomas Williams.

An Oregon State University professor of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies has alleged “white Christians” are to blame for West Coast wildfires because of their “denial of climate science.”

“Just over half of white mainline Protestants agree that climate change is a crisis or major problem,” [Prof. Susan Shaw] declares. “Only 44% of white evangelicals say the same. Nearly a quarter say it’s not a problem at all.”

Shaw … states that her “current research interests are in feminist studies in religion.”

“Not surprisingly, more than 70% of Democrats accept that human activity causes climate change, while only 22% of Republicans do,” Shaw laments….

Shaw fails to mention the role of forest management in the rampant spread of the fires.

Last month, NPR observed that “California and Oregon in particular are far behind stated goals of treating millions of acres of forests and wild lands through restoration projects, selective thinning of trees and brush and prescribed burning.”

I’ll bet there are scores of woke Australian academics who are wishing they had thought of that first. So trendy!