I’m a Former Teacher. Here’s How Your Children Are Getting Indoctrinated by Leftist Ideology.

I’m a Former Teacher. Here’s How Your Children Are Getting Indoctrinated by Leftist Ideology. By Douglas Blair.

I was helping one of my elementary school students with a homework assignment about listing famous Britons throughout history. She already had some of the more obvious ones: Shakespeare, Princess Diana, Queen Elizabeth.

“Well, how about Winston Churchill?” I recommended.

“Oh no, not him,” she replied. “He was a racist and didn’t think women should have rights. He wasn’t a good guy.”

I was floored. It clearly wasn’t something she came up with on her own. She was just regurgitating propaganda her teacher had taught her. All sense of nuance and critical thinking about the man who saved Europe from the Nazis was gone. Churchill committed “wrongthink,” so in the bin he goes. …

BLM isn’t political, just good:

Many of my colleagues wore Black Lives Matter pins and apparel to school in blatant violation of school rules forbidding political statements on clothing.

When I asked for a justification of the behavior, I was told it wasn’t political to support the group, it was a matter of human rights. The children would see these pins and clothes and connect radical leftist groups with basic human dignity. “How dare you question Black Lives Matter? I was taught this is a matter of human rights!” …

Everyone’s else’s culture is awesome and cool, but ours is trash:

I would try to engage my students with folk stories from around the globe to teach them world history and other cultures.

Story time went on without a hitch until I decided to tell stories from the Bible. Other teachers began to complain I was preaching Christian values to the children and attempting to convert them.

Keep in mind, this wasn’t a problem when I was sharing stories from other ancient cultures throughout history. Stories about ancient India and China were fine and encouraged as “sharing unheard voices.” After sharing the story of the Tower of Babel, I was told to switch back to non-Christian stories or face consequences.

Maybe it isn’t such a good idea to turn over our kids to the state to indoctrinate?

School vouchers would end this nonsense quick smart. If the state funding went with a child (as a voucher for $10k per year to the school), but the parents choose the school, soon schools would compete and compulsory leftism would wither away.