Care about Uighurs? You must be a white supremacist

Care about Uighurs? You must be a white supremacist, by Arthur Chreknoff.

Somehow I have managed to miss this absolutely hottest take on the issue of persecution of China’s Muslim minority, from Lijian Zhao, a foreign ministry official:

The tweet itself is an amazing example of what happens when you cross the old style toxic Marxism-Leninism with the new left toxic wokeness of identity politics. Apparently, if you point out that the Han Chinese are committing gross abuses of human rights against their Turkic Uighur minority, that makes you racist. The Chinese have for a long time seen the Europeans as the “white devil” (gwailou) but it took until recently for the Western post-modern left to catch up, seeing that they too now consider the Europeans to be the primary force for evil in human history. Stalinism, meet wokeism.

Probably more than one million, or ten percent of the Uighur population, are currently being held in “re-education” camps (possibly 500 of them), where many are subjected to brutality, forced sterilisation and organ removal. Chinese men are being sent to sleep in the same beds as Uighur women while their husbands are being imprisoned, in an attempt to terrorise and breed out the natives.

Uighurs are genetically between Northern Europeans and East Asians — half “white”:

Bringing you the latest in leftist insults, or what passes for debate with the modern left.