Out of Africa

Out of Africa, by Steve Sailer.

Increasingly, the young men of Africa are leaving for Europe and North America.

And, as professor Stephen Smith of Duke’s African Studies department notes in his important book The Scramble for Europe: Young Africa on Its Way to the Old Continent, now available in English after causing a sensation in France, there are vastly more who will depart for the First World in the future as the African masses modernize enough to contemplate immigrating:

Young Africans will rush towards the Old Continent in an inversion of Europe’s “Scramble for Africa” at the end of the nineteenth century. …

That graph again:

Black Africa tends toward fertility cults for reasons of ecological and evolutionary history. But with enough encouragement from the outside world it ought to be able to shed its outmoded customs. But will whites dare suggest that it wouldn’t be good for blacks to dominate the human race numerically in the 22nd century?

How are you going to keep them down on the farm after they’ve seen Paris on their cousin’s Facebook account? (According to Smith, Africans now spend 10 percent of their income on phones.)

We are often lectured that migrants are only on the move because they are fleeing violence at home. But consider Ghana, which has been a stable democracy with lawful transitions from one elected president to the next in recent decades. Most Ghanians alive today have lived only in a country at peace. In this century, it is usually rated as the best-run country in West Africa. Yet. Seventy-five percent of the 30 million Ghanians say they’d emigrate if they could.

Smith expects at least 100 million Africans to try to arrive in Europe by the middle decades of the 21st century. As an analogy, he points to the huge influx from Mexico to the United States that took off in the 1970s once Mexicans achieved enough prosperity to afford to move. The Hispanic population of the U.S. ballooned from 9 million in 1970 to 60 million today. Of course, Africans on average are much poorer than Mexicans or even Guatemalans. On the other hand, they are vastly more numerous. …

The ruling class turn a blind eye:

Obviously, the African population explosion is one of the biggest stories of the 21st century. But it has barely been written about until very recently. Smith observes that the reading list for grad students in Africa areas studies at Johns Hopkins, where he taught from 2007 to 2013, lists 212 works on the African economy but only two on African demography.

The imbalance in the levels of attention paid to climate change versus African demographics as potential destabilizing disasters is striking.

It’s an adventure:

Smith emphasizes that African immigrants aren’t motivated solely by dire need—most of the migrants are from the upper-income ranges and can set aside thousands of dollars to finance a trip.

Few are refugees in the sense of fleeing for their lives. Even calling them economic migrants misses the point that to young African men, migration isn’t a job, it’s an adventure. They go because they want to:

“Adventure” is the password of migration…. Like war, migration is both frightening and exhilirating….

To the young men of Africa, crossing the Mediterranean is an exciting trial of their manhood that transforms them into heroes in their own version of Jason and the Argonauts.

Smith doesn’t mention it, but heroes traditionally expect their rewards from the womenfolk on the far side of the ordeal.