Post Brexit Tory Doom

Post Brexit Tory Doom, by David Eyles.

Since 1945, British politics has been a fairly gentle seesaw between the Conservatives and Labour. … In the main, it has been a fairly comfortable existence for ordinary MPs. Likewise for the Civil Service, whose task it has been to mediate between these two rather moderate positions. …

The principle reason for this gentle oscillation is the generally placid make-up of the British people themselves. Much is made of the apparently endless patience of the Anglo-Saxons and their brother and sisters in the Celtic nations of Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. This is fair comment, for it takes quite a lot to rouse the Brits into belligerence – compared to other more excitable nations like, say, Italy or perhaps France.

Collectivism on the left, individualism on the right. Rousseau versus Locke.

Traditional UK party positions, with the contested overlap. This was when Labor championed the middle class, before it switched to identity politics.

The leftist march through the institutions:

Under the surface there have been slow, steady, stealthy changes to our culture and our way of life. These changes have come from the Left, largely as a result of thinking provided by the Fabians and others who influenced much of Tony Blair’s New Labour.

The Fabians believe in gradual change by attrition rather than open revolution. As a result of this thinking, one Labour policy was to get 50% of school leavers to attend a university. As a result, all tertiary education centres such as teacher training colleges, polytechnics and technical colleges converted to call themselves ‘universities’ more or less overnight. … A generation has now passed through this system, taught mostly by Left-leaning Postmodernist professors and lecturers. This has created an entire structure of Leftist, so-called ‘progressives’ who now dominate the Civil Service, Local Government and most of the large charities, think tanks and, importantly, the media. Most of this élite or Establishment (or what James Delingpole very accurately describes as ‘the Clerisy’) describe themselves as ‘Social Liberals’ or ‘Progressives’. This sounds nice and cosy until it is realised that most of these labels are simply forms of Neo-Marxism.

Neomarxists walk through the institutions: postmodernism and identity politics take over the left

Most conservatives meekly surrendered, because they never even had a map:

By contrast, the Conservatives do not really have any core philosophies except for some rather vague ones. Some conservatives might say they are for a small state. Some (like me) might describe themselves as ‘Burkean Tories’. Others murmur about the advantages of capitalism. Conservatives often describe themselves as ‘a broad church’ to cover a large part of the political spectrum. Others bleat plaintively that the Conservatives have not made a clear case for conservatism. Still more try to cover up their ideological nakedness with platitudinous and intelligence-insulting schemes like ‘The Big Tent’.  These latter are just feelgood virtue signalling to advertise the alleged importance of the MPs concerned.

The only Conservative leader in recent years who really knew the true nature and purpose of conservatism was Margaret Thatcher. And she, without any obvious reference to higher philosophy set out a clear path to proper conservatism. Sadly, John Major, David Cameron, Theresa May and most of the Conservative MPs now in Parliament, have all abandoned this path a long time ago. Indeed many actions of this and the last Conservative government suggest that they are still following the path set out for them by Tony Blair. …

After the rise of the new left, Labor moved to the far left, the Tories to the left. The right votes are open to anyone brave enough to defy the BBC etc.

Into this void has stepped the Civil Service, which instead of being politically neutral as it always used to be, is now heavily politicised towards the Left. In addition, the rest of the élites which oversee so much of our public life have ensured that the Westminster Conservative Party have been softened up socially and culturally over dinner party tables. The Civil Service has thus successfully guided the Conservative government into territory that is now firmly occupied by the Leftist Clerisy. …

Both major parties have now shifted dramatically away from not only their core voters, but also much of the country.

Meanwhile, … as far as Brexit is concerned, the country is divided firmly into two camps, with almost no-one in the middle.

There have been many who have claimed that these divisions have only happened “because of Brexit”. In fact, what Brexit has done is to expose divisions which started a long time ago. In particular, Labour voters have been abandoned by their party of choice for many years. It is only necessary to examine what happened to Labour in Scotland to see how the Labour Party has been swopped for the SNP, by people who are fed up with promises which achieved little. They have walked away from Labour because an alternative was presented to them. Many in the North of England now feel the same way. The South-West, Midlands and East Anglia are at one with their northern brethren (and sisters). Only London and the university towns of Bath, Cambridge, Oxford and the like are oases of the clerisy.

Likewise, Conservative voters have now also been abandoned. They feel beset by political correctness, uncontrolled immigration, breakdowns in law and order, ordinary people being arrested for little more than ‘thought crimes’ whilst the real criminals go unchecked, and so on. The list of grievances is long and very, very damaging for the Conservatives. …

It’s not Brexit: The same polarization happened in the US, Australia, etc. It’s leftist fantasy versus reality, on issue after issue. You tend to believe all the leftist fantasies, or none of them.

Opportunity beckons:

The two main parties are wooing the left hand population, but not the right. The right hand part of the electorate has been disenfranchised. No current mainstream political party represents them. …

Now. Similar in all Western countries, especially the Anglosphere.

Identity politics is pushing us left towards tribalism, where group membership is all and individualism counts for nothing. Roll back the Enlightenment and the miracle of the last three centuries, says the left implicitly.

This Leftward lurch has been caused mostly by Postmodernism which is a system of thought developed by some third-rate dead French philosophers – Foucault, Derrida and others.

At the bottom of Postmodernism is the idea that all the world’s problems have been caused by the white, male patriarchy. And so the postmodern solution is to destroy everything which is the product of said white, male patriarchs. This means just about about everything good that came out of the ‘modern’ period i.e. all systems of thinking which arose out of the Enlightenment. …

Tories’ blunder:

Whilst Labour have been quietly preparing for a General Election for at least a year, the Tories have sat on their thumbs imagining that they have only to erect a few Big Tents and compare themselves to the horrors of Corbynism in order to garner sufficient votes. They are still thinking the electorate occupy a single normal distribution as in Figure 1. Their policies are designed to attract the middle ground. But sadly for the Conservative Party, the electorate has moved away from this middle ground, leaving only a huge abyss into which the Tories will fall.

The consequences of these failures will be twofold. The first is that populist parties will fill the political void – the right hand curve in Figure 6. There is a distinct possibility that some populist parties, such as Ukip, will gain seats. But the most important effect is that they will split votes for both Tories and Labour at the next election. The outcome of this is impossible to predict.

The second is that there is an enormous sense of despair and frustration at the status quo. And so this will prompt a growing move towards national disobediance and protest. We have already seen lorry protests on motorways. These will grow in number and size. Do not forget the fuel protests of the year 2000, where refineries were shut down for days. There are many other things being mooted – non-payment of the BBC licence fee being one of the favourites.