The Media’s Narrative on Climate Change

The Media’s Narrative on Climate Change, by Kip Hansen.

Those of you who closely watch the media — newspapers, broadcast & streaming news, national magazines, national public radio — may have noticed that all the news about climate change is beginning to sound the same — regardless of outlet (there are a few sensible exceptions). This is no accident. In fact, it is an organized movement among American journalists. …

Not just American. It is international.

The story starts earlier in the year with a conference planned and held at the behest of  Columbia Journalism Reviewand The Nation(“along with partners such as The Guardian”).  You can watch the conference online (YouTube).  The outcome of that conference is a growing cabal of journalists and their editors. In their own words:

How does the media cover—or not cover—the biggest story of our time? Last fall, UN climate scientists announced that the world has 12 years to transform energy, agriculture, and other key industries if civilization is to avoid a catastrophe. We believe the news business must also transform.”

“The Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation assembled some of the world’s top journalists, scientists, and climate experts to devise a new playbook for journalism that’s compatible with the 1.5-degree future that scientists say must be achieved. We also held a town hall meeting on the coverage of climate change and the launch of an unprecedented, coordinated effort to change the media conversation.”  

Journalists around the world are being contacted by email by CJR  with a message that includes this appeal :

“Our ask of you  is simple: commit to a week of focused climate coverage this September. We are organizing news outlets across the US and abroad—online and print, TV and audio, large and small—to run seven days of climate stories from September 16 through the climate summit UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres hosts in New York September 23. The stories you run are up to you, though we can offer ideas and background information and connect outlets looking for content with content providers looking for outlets.

We’d be happy to schedule a phone call to discuss this further.  


Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope

In other words, when it comes to climate, the news media are mainly about propaganda, not news. Which goes nicely with the new education system — mainly indoctrination, not education.

Which I’m sure surprises no readers here, but it’s nice to see an admission.