Welcome To The Resistance

Welcome To The Resistance, by the Z-Blog.

News brings word that Jared Taylor has been banned from the Schengen Zone, which is most of Europe, until 2021. …

Jared Taylor is described by our PC rulers as a white supremacist, but he strenuously denies he is a racist and claims to be a race realist. Perhaps he merely doesn’t believe the PC doctrine that all large groups of humans are statistically identical?


This is another example of the fact that the West is no longer a world bound by fixed rules objectively enforced. There are plenty of rules, for sure, but those rules are arbitrary and subject to the whims of the administrative state. In this case, someone in the Polish government had him banned from Europe. There has been no reason given, but the reason is obvious. Someone in the administrative state decided to score points with their coreligionists by pushing the right buttons on the screen to have Taylor banned.

That is the pattern we have seen with the de-platforming and doxxing over the last several years. The people responsible are not at the top. It is people in the bureaucracies of government, the tech oligopolies or the banks. For example, we know petty tyrants at Amazon are responsible for the rash of book banning there. It’s not Jeff Bezos or some C-level executive making these decisions. Instead it is people in the labyrinth of cubicles spread around the globe. It’s petty tyrants exercising their tiny bit of arbitrary power.

This is a phenomenon we see all over the West now. The massive bureaucracies that maintain the custodial state, most of which are outside the reach of democratic oversight, are filled with people having the disposition of meter maids. …

This is the reality of rule by childless females operating in massive bureaucracies free of responsibility. No one at the top in these organizations fears the wrath of voters or their representatives, so they are now immunized from all legal consequences. As a result, they have no reason to makes sure the people working in their fiefdoms follow the rules of decency, much less the laws of their host countries. If the bureaucrat, who banned Taylor, is found to have been wrong, nothing happens to her or her bosses.

For some reason, this reality, that there are no rules and that our enemies will never play fair, never sinks in with dissidents. Jared Taylor has given most of his adult life to this cause, which is why he gets treated this way by the rulers. The fact that he won’t just die makes them angry. At the same time though, he has to accept that he must play by an entirely different set of rules. There will never be a debate in the public space in which he gets to challenge the people in charge. It will never happen. It can never happen. …

The reality of dissident politics is it must happen in the shadows. … The public space is off-limits to anything but the very narrowly approved discourse. To keep trying to get access to the public space is only giving our rulers license to crack down harder … There’s no shaming these people. There can be no appeal to their humanity, as they have no soul. There is no reasoning with them. …

The model is not interwar Germany … The model is occupied France or Ireland under British rule. It’s not a battle for power or the public space. It’s an everyday fight to throw sand in the gears of the occupiers, to drive up the cost of occupation.