Seven in 10 Australians Want Immigration to End

Seven in 10 Australians Want Immigration to End, by Simon Kent.

Soaring house prices and crowded cities have combined to convince a clear majority of Australians that the country’s immigration push must end.

Just 30.4 per cent of Australians now believe the country needs more people, according to a poll conducted by the Australian National University (ANU).

This was compared to 69.6 per cent who felt Australia did not need more people, a dramatic increase since a similar poll was done in 2010.

The collapse in support was most prominent among males with just 32.8 percent supporting a bigger Australia compared to 53.4 percent in the 2010 poll. …

In 1981 the Australian population was around 14.9 million people. By June 2018 it had reached 25.0 million, with the last five million of that growth occurring since December 2004.

hat-tip Charles