Raw Footage of Political Meeting at St Kilda Beach About African Crime

Raw Footage of Political Meeting at St Kilda Beach About African Crime. Speechifying starts around 2:00.

No Nazi salutes in sight. Presumably that was just for trolling the lefty protestors. (See earlier report.)

No swastikas either — could the media and left have been misleading us with all their talk of Nazis?

Reader Philip:

The media must give honest voice to the legitimate concerns of these people.

The ‘if you’re not far left then you’re far right’ mindset is destroying the middle-ground. If that happens, then all that is left is the extremes — or apathy.

Polls consistently say we want less immigration, but I don’t recall our opinion-forming elite asking us. Can they be too surprised when some people eventually arc up?

hat-tip Philip Barton