Conservative women have been left out and stigmatized too long

Conservative women have been left out and stigmatized too long, by Carrie Lukas.

Progressives are constantly checking their “white privilege,” but what about ideological privilege? …

Conservative women aren’t only left out, but increasingly stigmatised. Women’s magazines and news outlets depict women who vote Republican as deviants. …

The Guardian asked: “Half of White Women Continue to Vote Republican. What’s Wrong with Them?” The latter article asserted that “white women vote for Republicans for the same reason that white men do: because they are racist.” …

Progressive women see their intellectual and political leaders glamorised in glossy magazine photo spreads and celebrated on daytime TV talk shows. Conservative female policy makers are invisible, if they’re lucky. …

Progressive women enjoy the benefit of the doubt when they say insensitive or prejudiced things. Mrs Clinton recently joked that two black men “look alike.” No conservative could get away with such a remark.

College administrators tout the value of diversity. Yet the National Association of Scholars “could not find a single Republican with an exclusive appointment to fields like gender studies” among 8688 tenure-track professors at 51 top liberal-arts colleges. …

Far-left activists next month march on Washington again under the banner “the Women’s March.” The media will present them as simply “women” — as if women with other views don’t exist.

All those carrots and sticks for white women to become liberal Democrats. Look at all the rewards! But you are shunned if you are conservative.

How are conservatives going to fix the situation?

hat-tip Stephen Neil