Don’t despair: the climate fight is only over if you think it is

Don’t despair: the climate fight is only over if you think it is, by Rebecca Solnit in the Guardian.

Right now living as decent people means every one of us with resources taking serious climate action, or stepping up what we’re already doing. …

Some of what were regarded as climate activists’ wild ideas and unreasonable demands are now policy and conventional common sense. …

We also need to shut down production directly, with a just transition for workers in those sectors. Five countries – Belize, Ireland, New Zealand, France and Costa Rica – are already working on bans on new exploration and extraction, and the World Bank sent shockwaves around the world last December when it announced that after 2019 it would no longer finance oil and gas extraction.

Get Antifa onto it!

But won’t they be pleasantly surprised to learn that the carbon dioxide theory of global warming is due to a modelling error made back in the 1960s and present in all the climate models. Book coming along nicely. I’m sure the trillion dollar a year renewables industry and the political class who fell for the theory so willingly — no due diligence! — will welcome the news it was all over a silly error.

Ha ha ha, let’s be more realistic. The carbon dioxide theory of global warming is a vehicle for various political and financial agendas. So the current political class and media will do their best to prevent news of the error from leaking out.

hat-tip Charles