Professor: Europe’s rise of the right is about survival and a natural reaction to the extreme violence of the left and globalist policies

Professor: Europe’s rise of the right is about survival and a natural reaction to the extreme violence of the left and globalist policies, by Voice of Europe.

The rise of the right in Europe is “a natural reaction to extremely violent leftist and globalist policies,” referring to the trend of conservative anti-migrant parties across Europe, Dr. Bilyana Martinovski, a Swedish-based associate professor in human-machine interaction, explained in an interview with Sputnik. …

I don’t think there is a rise of the ‘right’ in the sense of ‘Hitler’ or nationalism. There is a rise of people who want to stay alive without being raped, robbed and murdered. One could call it ‘patriotism,’ I would call it ‘survival.’”

hat-tip Stephen Neil