‘Things are going wrong’: Stand-in plastics can harm eggs and sperm

‘Things are going wrong’: Stand-in plastics can harm eggs and sperm, by Liam Mannix.

The safety of BPA-free plastic is being questioned after new research suggested any plastic with signs of ageing or damage could be harmful.

A study which tested the impact of “BPA-free” products on mice, indicates they have almost the same effects on reproduction as BPA itself. …

Common sources of BPA and its replacements include sales receipts, soft plastic bottles, plastic food containers, and tin can linings.

In humans, large studies have found sperm counts have fallen by as much as 60 per cent in the Western world in the past four decades.

Some scientists have linked that to exposure to chemicals such as BPA – they even believe chemicals in plastics are increasing penis defects and shrinking human penis sizes.

But the research community is split on whether they truly are having an effect on human health.