Fairfax to be taken over by Channel Nine: Take your complaints to the ABC

Fairfax to be taken over by Channel Nine: Take your complaints to the ABC, by I am Spartacus.

Fairfax publish the main PC newspapers in Australia: the Sydney Morning Herald, the Melbourne Age, and the Australian Financial Review.

According to reports, Fairfax staff (current and former) are upset.  Fair enough.

But if they and any other Fairfax fans want to complain, they should do the 2.4 km march from the Fairfax offices in Pyrmont to the ABC offices in Ultimo because there has been no greater contributory to the demise of Fairfax than the ABC.

Why voluntarily pay for the SMH/AGE when you already pay (at the threat of force) for the ABC?  It’s pretty much the same content after all.  Why advertise with the SMH/AGE when the eyeballs are taken away by the Government media machine?

Yep, as many of us have been pointing out for decades, the ABC is taking over all left media because it is subsidized to the tune of a billion dollars a year from our taxes. How could Fairfax compete with that?