NOAA Caught Adjusting Big Freeze out of Existence

NOAA Caught Adjusting Big Freeze out of Existence, by James Delingpole.

The [US] National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has yet again been caught exaggerating ‘global warming’ by fiddling with the raw temperature data.

This time, that data concerns the recent record-breaking cold across the northeastern U.S. which NOAA is trying to erase from history.

If you believe NOAA’s charts, there was nothing particularly unusual about this winter’s cold weather which caused sharks to freeze in the ocean and iguanas to drop out of trees. …

Yet again – presumably for reasons more to do with ideology than meteorology – NOAA has adjusted past temperatures to look colder than they were and recent temperatures to look warmer than they were.

We’re not talking fractions of a degree, here. The adjustments amount to a whopping 3.1 degrees F. This takes us well beyond the regions of error margins or innocent mistakes and deep into the realm of fiction and political propaganda. …

The key point here is that while NOAA frequently makes these adjustments to the raw data, it has never offered a convincing explanation as to why they are necessary. Nor yet, how exactly their adjusted data provides a more accurate version of the truth than the original data.

A commenter:

CLIMATARD: n; A person with no formal education or training in science, who believes that the trace gas carbon dioxide is a pollutant and that the world’s climate is being disastrously altered by human emissions of this gas which is essential for life. Favors drastic, unreasonable measures with no proof that they will have any effect and which will cause real, immediate economic devastation for the poor and middle class. Flies into a rage and threatens imprisonment if you don’t agree with him.

hat-tip Scott of the Pacific