Online Sociology Course Founders Over Whether Australia is a Country

Online Sociology Course Founders Over Whether Australia is a Country, by Daniel Greenfield.

Sociology helped generate a whole range of fake new academic subjects while corrupting existing ones into a toxic stew of racism and meaningless jargon. …

The story concerns Ashley Arnold, a 27-year-old working on an online sociology degree.

As part of her final class, for which she paid almost $1,000, students were required to complete a project outline last month in which they would compare a social norm in the US and another country.

For her “norm” Arnold picked social media use, and for her country she chose Australia.

But when Arnold got her grade back on Feb. 1, she was shocked to see her professor had failed her. Why? Because, according to the teacher, “Australia is a continent; not a country.”

Sociology. You really don’t need to know anything.

The professor, who has a PhD in philosophy…

Of course she does.

hat-tip Scott of the Pacific