Churchill, Churchill, Churchill

Churchill, Churchill, Churchill. There are two movies about Churchill out recently:

1. Churchill (2017) stars Brian Cox as Churchill.

2. Darkest Hour (2017) stars Gary Oldman as Churchill.

From a review of the “Darkest Hour” movie by Lion:

At the beginning of the movie, I was wondering, who is this senile old drunk man? And where is Winston Churchill, said to be the greatest statesman of the 20th Century? Well it turned out that the senile old drunk man was Winston Churchill. …

This movie turned into two hours of watching a doddering old drunk guy chain-smoking cigars. Pretty disappointing. I refuse to believe that Churchill was like that in real life. …

Talking about huge rewrites of history, you wouldn’t think to find many black people in London in 1940 (I estimate that 1 in a 1000 Londoners were black at the time), but Churchill manages to find one when he decides to take a subway ride in order to talk to the common people, and a black man named Marcus gives him wise advice. See the Magical Negro Trope. “In order to show the world that minority characters are not bad people, one will step forward to help a ‘normal’ person, with their pure heart and folksy wisdom.” Yep, that describes the encounter perfectly. …

World War II is the only war that Hollywood feels completely comfortable in endorsing as a clear-cut fight of good guys against bad guys. There’s nothing sociopathic about Churchill ordering thousands of men to their death in order to delay the Germans in their assault on Dunkirk. It was necessary in order to fight against Hitler, and all of the wusses on his war council who were aghast at the idea can be portrayed as a bunch of girly men without the backbone for real leadership. In contrast, if one can imagine a movie about George Bush and the Gulf War, the movie would take a much different moral viewpoint.

The left have always hated Churchill and his success. Sounds like “Darkest Hour” belittles the man and ignores his ideas.

Some Churchillian quotes:

hat-tip Stephen H