Elites beware, a populist tidal wave looms

Elites beware, a populist tidal wave looms, by Jennifer Oriel.

If you believe much of the media, the personification of evil is US President Donald Trump. A year ago, the establishment feared the Trump effect would go global.

Free-world citizens had begun to fight back against open borders, hatred of the West, selective racism against white people, Christ­ophobia and big government.

However, European voters returned centrists to office in a series of key elections. Pro-Trump parties in Australia performed poorly in state elections. Political elites are celebrating the restoration of order. Yet the conditions historically associated with populist uprisings remain. …

Left politicians shut down the US government in a bid to prevent immigration reforms. Rather than holding obstructionist Democrats to account, the Left media played a fast hand of blame-shifting to declare Trump culpable. …

The conflation of populism, nationalism, white skin and xenophobia has become increasingly common in left-wing literature since Trump took office. The UN frequently fuels a narrative of bigotry against pro-Western politicians by denigrating them as populists, nationalists and xenophobes. The angry rhetoric will reach fever pitch this year as the UN pressures Western states to compromise sovereignty for the global compact on migration.

The UN is aiding and abetting the Islamic invaders:

The Trump administration withdrew from the UN migration compact negotiations last month, citing defence of US sovereignty as a major concern. …

The UN and other supranational organisations are pressuring Western nations to open borders to anyone who claims refugee status, despite copious evidence that many have lied to gain entry and access benefits. …

A recent UN report shows about half of the world’s refugees are produced by three countries: Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia. Yet the UN will not tackle political Islam as a cause of asylum-seeking behaviour. Instead, it shifts the refugee burden on to states that do not create it while relieving Islamist regimes of their primary responsibility to take care of their own citizens. …

The elites have to change course — because ultimately they need the votes and approval of “deplorables”.

The gulf between political elites and the people on border policy continues to produce popular ­support for politicians prepared to defend national sovereignty against supranationalists. …

Western governments are soothing the well-founded anger of citizens by economic measures, secure border policy, straight talk on the threat of jihad and clarifying non-negotiable Western values. Thus far, the measures have limited the threat posed to majoritarian democracy by populist parties of both the Left and Right. However, the coming economic downturn could change all that.

Voters are losing patience with debt-creating immigration policy, big government, perks and pay rises for politicians, inflated staffer salaries, useless green schemes, the bloated public service, publicly funded activist networks in the media and academia, and supranational meddling in our nation’s internal affairs. The burden of debt created by all the useless layers of government and governance are becoming unmanageable.

Imagine if the regulating class had to get honest jobs, where their income came from people who voluntarily paid for their services.