‘Our kids are not your social experiment’: The No vote mums are back

‘Our kids are not your social experiment’: The No vote mums are back, by Debbie Schipp.

THEY said they were “demonised” for appearing in an ad against same-sex marriage, but that hasn’t stopped two of the three mothers featured in the original Coalition For Marriage advertisement appearing in a bizarre new video released by the group. …

The 90-second clip opens with the women walking on stage to almost rapturous applause, which extends for about 30 seconds before a word is spoken as the women appear to soak up the rock star welcome.

“We hear love is love, let me tell you what I know about love. There is no greater love than the love a mother has for her child,” says Ms Rancie from the podium, to more applause.

Ms McIvor then states: “Our kids are not your social experiment. They are not sexual beings,” to more raucous response from the crowd.

Mum’s speak out against radical gay sex education