Uncommon Knowledge: Thomas Sowell on the Vulgar Pride of Intellectuals

Uncommon Knowledge: Thomas Sowell on the Vulgar Pride of Intellectuals. A reader writes:

I know none of you have the 53 minutes spare, to watch this interview with Thomas Sowell on his book Intellectuals and Society where he discusses and dissects the Vulgar Pride of Intellectuals.

I know I didn’t, but I watched it anyway……time well spent on one of my favourite current (recently retired) economists. Perhaps just listen to the soundtrack in your car.

He certainly explains why our current crop of lofty anointed elites, busy marching through and reshaping the institutions of the West, don’t bother themselves with lowly sub-intellectual activities — like evaluating empirical evidence or questioning the latest anointed politically correct (public policy) virtue signal.

Peter Robinson and Sowell discuss the fact that intellectuals play a disproportionate role in society, as evidenced by linguist Noam Chomsky’s influence on liberal politics. Is a fancy education a high-speed rail ticket to fallacy?

hat-tip Chris