Another Corporation, Reebok (Adidas), Jumps Into Politics – Against President Trump…

Another Corporation, Reebok (Adidas), Jumps Into Politics – Against President Trump…, by sundance.

President Trump created a stir amid his political opposition when he was reported to have told French first-lady Brigitte Macron: “you’re in such great shape“. Apparently, according to the ever-pliable rules of the virtue signaling political left, it is “sexist” to compliment a woman on her physical appearance.

Up jumps a virtue-signalling corporation:

Somehow using a woman’s physical shape to create a marketing brand is ok. But pointing out a woman’s physical shape … is… well, “inappropriate”.

So check these example ads from Reebok:

Seems that Reebok is to shoes as CNN is to news.

hat-tip Paul