No Representation Without Taxation

No Representation Without Taxation, by Moses Apostaticus.

During the Middle Ages, the widespread belief in Christianity made it seem normal to people that a monarch ruled a hierarchically-ordered society, with local lords taking responsibility for their domains and the common people largely left to their devices. Most medieval peasants went their whole lives without encountering the state, except for the relatively light tax burden they endured in return for protection. At least when the king taxed you, he pledged to keep the hostile foreigners out.

This model of political organisation fell apart with the advent of the Enlightenment. Once God went out the window, the king went not long after. Modern governments are the result of this deist, and later atheist, worldview; the Will of the People has replaced the will of God as the basis of political legitimacy in the modern world. …

It’s going to bust again; major changes are coming.

There is a crack in this model of majoritarian rule which I believe will turn into the chasm which rips apart our Western systems of government. When these modern forms of government were first formed during the 18th and 19th centuries, tax burdens were very low. There was no income tax until a century ago, and even then it was (of course) initially tiny and only applied to the rich. No GST, no fuel excises, payroll taxes, stamp duties and no other hidden taxes buried in the cost of goods as they are today.

Historically, tax rates have hovered around 5%. During the Roman Empire, they were 1-3%. Today, the average Western tax mule is required to hand over 50% or more. No medieval peasant would have stood for that.

The reason I think this issue will become a catalyst of the next wave of political revolutions in the West is that the tax burden is not at all distributed equally. There are some demographic groups who pay through the nose, while there are other demographic groups who parasite upon them. The first group, the virtuous, productive and hardworking, are finding it increasingly difficult to replicate themselves. The second group, the vicious, unproductive or unable, are having children in ever-greater numbers as a means to access the stolen fruits of socialist redistribution. The mechanism by which these takers predate upon the ever-shrinking number of givers is the power of the state, through voting. …

What validity is there in this notion of the Will of the People if it is only the will of the 51% of parasites to steal from the 49% who get up early, pay their own bills, feed their own kids and delay present gratification for future rewards? …

The long-term consequences of such onerous tax regimes are only now being felt in the West. … The biggest factor though for the demographic collapse of our people is the crushing tax load our governments have put us under as the politicians have competed with each other in bribing their pet constituencies.

It’s clear that we need another basis for political legitimacy in Australia. The nation cannot survive universal suffrage and a welfare state. It is a dysgenic dynamic which is driving us down to Third World status and making us extinct in the long run.