All Cultures are Equal and Immigrants Become Just Like Us?

All Cultures are Equal and Immigrants Become Just Like Us? by Laura Glowacki.

Contrary to what researchers expected, the length of time Indian immigrants have lived in Canada has no effect whatsoever on the practice of sex selection in favour of boys. …

While Canadian-born women give birth to about 105 boys for every 100 girls, Urquia and his team from the University of Toronto and St. Michael’s Hospital, showed Punjabi-speaking mothers in Ontario, at their third birth, had 240 boys for every 100 girls.

“We expected that with longer exposure to Canada’s environment of greater gender equality, immigrants from India would progressively shift toward valuing daughters and sons more equally,” Urquia said. But it seems that’s not so.

Instead of finding a decrease, they actually found a slight increase in preference for boys. … Some of the potential reasons mothers abort female daughters can be traced to both cultural and economic reasons …

hat-tip David Archibald