Establishment Media Hides Trump’s New Policy to Stop ‘Genital Mutilation’ of American Girls

Establishment Media Hides Trump’s New Policy to Stop ‘Genital Mutilation’ of American Girls, by Neil Munro.

The establishment media is hiding the dramatic news that President Donald Trump’s Department of Justice has announced a national campaign to eradicate the imported practice of Female Genital Mutilation.

By ignoring the imported FGM practice, the TV networks “are guilty of aiding and abetting violence against women out of a politically correct fueled fear of offending Muslims,” says an April 18 statement by the Media Research Center and ACT for America. …

The progressives’ reluctance to name-and-shame Islam — despite copious evidence that Islam endorses and promotes the practice — comes as progressives try to block President Trump’s new immigration policies, which threaten to reduce the immigration of Islamic communities and political groups into the United States.

hat-tip Stephen Neil