One in three babies born in UK last year had foreign parent – as sky-high immigration fuels population boom

One in three babies born in UK last year had foreign parent – as sky-high immigration fuels population boom, by Steve Hawkes.

Nine in ten London newborns had at least one parent from overseas. …

Tory backbencher Philip Hollobone said: “Immigration is changing the face of our country. Immigrants have more children than indigenous people that the make-up of the country is changing in front of our eyes. …

Migration Watch claims that high net migration as well as births to foreign born parents has accounted for 85 per cent of the UK population growth since 2000. …

Over the past 20 years the foreign-born population has more than doubled from 3.8 million to 8.3 million – fuelled by the former Labour Government’s open border policy.

Muhammed is the UK’s second top baby boy’s name, down from most popular last year.