Australia: Kevin Andrews was right about Sudanese crime. Where are the apologies?

Australia: Kevin Andrews was right about Sudanese crime. Where are the apologies? by Andrew Bolt.

THE truth about Sudanese refugees is now so obvious that even the ABC admitted to the danger this week.

“Growing youth crime rates, with carjackings and home invasions doubling in the last year, … have revealed a growing trend of out-of-control South Sudanese youth,” its 7.30 program conceded.

So where are the sorries to Kevin Andrews, who warned nine years ago this would happen?

Where are the apologies from the journalists, Labor politicians and senior police who slimed him as a racist?

It was in 2007 that Andrews, immigration minister in the Howard government, said he was cutting back on refugees from Sudan and Somalia.

“Some groups don’t seem to be settling and adjusting into the Australian way of life as quickly as we would hope,” he said.

The problem was a clash of cultures and the crime rate among the Sudanese was too high.