Transitioning our Economy instead of Complaining about Lost Jobs

Transitioning our Economy instead of Complaining about Lost Jobs, by Jaymez.

Australians continue to complain about the Government letting Australian jobs go overseas. Those same people are choosing in greater numbers to holiday overseas because it is cheaper. They are also spending billions of dollars shopping on the internet purchasing from overseas vendors rather than Australian retailers because it is cheaper.

Australians need to accept that our economy must transition to our areas of comparative, and competitive advantage. And we also need to stop sabotaging our economy sending industry offshore and locking up our cheap natural resources. Australians do need to understand that transition can be difficult and they need to put in the work as well as change their mindset from the old economy.


Sister Julian, AKA Denise Bacuriski, who coached the 1969 Year 5 St Augustine’s school team made up of almost every boy in the class of over 50 children

The late and great Dominican nun, Sister Julian, AKA Denise Bacuriski, who coached the 1969 Year 5 St Augustine’s school team made up of almost every boy in the class of over 50 children. That many students would now attract at least three full time equivalent teachers just to cover the normal classes, parental leave, sick leave, personal leave, long service leave, professional development and so on.